. Therapy
Detoxify your body
Where does cupping originate from?
Cupping therapy is an alternative form of therapy used in traditional Chinese medicine. It involves removing the stagnation and stimulating a flow called Qi (Chi). According to the Chinese, Qi is the vital energy circulating in our bodies and our world. If the Qi is disturbed, it causes imbalances in our bodies. Removing the toxins from body tissue and organs happens by placing cups on the skin to create a suction. This helps increase blood flow under the affected area, and eventually, toxins will be ready to be removed for elimination.
Types of Cupping Therapy
Cupping massage
It involves placing the cups on the skin and moving them according to the muscle fibers. This kind of massage helps warm up the area.
Dry Cupping
It consists of placing cups on the skin to create a vacuum. The vacuum helps the skin rise and eventually increases the blood flow to the area chosen as blood vessels expand. The cups are left for a few minutes and removed.
Wet Cupping
Wet cupping includes creating superficial light suctions on the affected area. This step usually follows dry cupping. The therapist makes the suctions using a small surgical blade to draw out a small quantity of blood.
What are the benefits of cupping?
The benefits of cupping include relief of migraines, relief of tight muscles, improved circulation, and relaxation.
Cupping is beneficial to decrease tension within the tissues. Stiffness can produce tightness and begin to restrict movements around joints. Anxiety is caused by stress, surgery, and repetitive exercise. Cupping is used to release tension by lifting tissues and draining out any build-up of waste products.
Larger cups can be used to relieve tight muscles. Larger cups can produce a stronger vacuum and mimic the techniques of a deep tissue massage. Movement of the cups along the muscles can stimulate the removal of knots and areas of rigid tissues. Tense muscles are softened quickly by the increase in temperature and blood circulation. Cupping is also very effective in releasing restrictions in fascia and scar tissue within muscles.
Cupping is an effective technique to increase blood flow around an area. Increased local blood supply to the muscles and skin delivers nourishment and allows toxins to be carried away via the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system can drain away and flush out waste products and toxins from the body. Pain can be relieved due to improved circulation and discomfort is reduced, and tense muscles are softened.
Cupping can also produce a relaxing effect. Cupping can sedate the nervous system, and often, a deep state of relaxation is created. A therapeutic effect is beneficial to those with high blood pressure, anxiety, fatigue. Alongside relaxation, the results of cupping can also increase temperature and produce a tingling sensation.
Frequently-asked Questions
What may I expect after Cupping therapy?
Cupping's suction action opens small blood arteries beneath the skin. You will get circular bruise-like markings that will diminish over the next week or two.
Who is NOT a candidate for cupping?
It would be best if you prevented cupping in such cases:
- Pregnancy
- Hemophilia and other bleeding diseases
- Problems with blood clotting, such as deep vein thrombosis or a history of strokes
- Uncontrolled hypertension
- Cancer patients
- Eczema and psoriasis are both skin disorders.
- Convulsions (epilepsy)
- Bleeding disorders like hemophilia
- Blood clotting problems, such as deep vein thrombosis or history of strokes
- Skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis
- Seizures (epilepsy)
What is the duration of the session?
Usually, a cupping session takes between 30 and 45 minutes, depending on each case.
How to prepare for a cupping session?
Usually, your therapist will ask you a few questions before starting the session. These questions will be about the reason for the session and what you expect from it. It's recommended to wear something comfortable like a shirt and shorts or sweat pants. You can eat whatever you want before the session, but it's better to keep your meals light to have better digestion.
Are you certified?
Yes, in Dry cupping, Hijama (Wet Cupping), and Guasha Techniques.
Are the cups used single-use cups?
Yes, definitely.
Are there any medications I must stop?
No, not at all.